Favorite Quotes

I LOVE quotes. Whether they are inspirational, funny, or ones that make you stop and think quotes always make me feel better. So, why not use my blog to show that love of quotes! I will be adding qoutes often, you can also comment quotes or tell me what you think of them ones I put up. I am very excited about this page and I hope you are too!

First Quote:
“Feel the fear, but do it anyway”

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21 thoughts on “Favorite Quotes

  1. Favorite inspirational quote: “life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain”

    Favorite quote to live by “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”

    Favorite quote that makes me laugh no matter what: “What do you mean you don’t believe in wrapping paper? It’s not like Bigfoot . It exists!”

    • Dear Cathrine/mom,
      I loved your quotes so much! I especially liked the wrapping paper one! That one makes me laugh every time too. Thank you for being my first quoter!

      • Dear Kristin,
        I’m sorry to say I still can’t believe in Bigfoot. The reason for the countless sightings is because countless people want to be on television, or at least get noticed since they know bigfoot is a huge hit.I have seen the show before and it only makes my belief that Bigfoot doesn’t exist stronger. I can deney it because there is no real proof. The sightings they show on the show are people in winter clothes or if it’s not winter or to tall to be human, it is edited. The show “Finding Bigfoot” is a huge hit, and if lying to keep themselves looking real is what they have to do to get money they will do it. We both have to agree to disagree on this one because I am sorry Kristin but until the day I see Bigfoot with MY OWN EYES I do not believe it exists.

        • Oh no you diaant! You must not have read my links because although the show “Finding Bigfoot” is what peaked my interest on the topic, it is not the only source of proof and evidence of Bigfoot. The evidence is not simply confined to hearsay, but there are many videos, pictures, audio recordings, hair, footprint casts, etc., etc., etc. As far as the people only in it for fame, there have been several instances on the show of witnesses that have encountered Bigfoot that have their faces blurred and voices altered because they do not want the media attention. Did you know of the existence of Gigantopithecus? This is a REAL prehistoric primate that was about 1,000 pounds and 9 – 10 feet tall that lived in parts of Asia in the mountains. There are many scientific hypotheses that state Gigantopithecus never became extinct and has evolved into what we today know as Yeti, Sasquatch, Swamp Ape, Bigfoot. Also, it is scientific fact that new species of animals are discovered all the time so why discount the possibility that Bigfoot could be real? Especially when there is a proven ape, Gigantopithecus, that shares several characteristics of Bigfoot.

          Now if you do not believe, that is okay. However, education is critical in debate, so bring it!

          • Dear Kristin,
            I did too read them! And still all the photos videos etc are fake. I respect your opinion though.
            Ps. I am ending the debate because this page is supposed to be for quotes!

  2. Dear Emily,
    Amanda and I have chosen Dr. Seuss as the theme for our baby nursery because of his inspirational quotes that can appeal to all ages. Here are some of our favorite Dr. Seuss quotes that we would like incorporated into the decor for Dillan’s room:

    “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

    “A person’s a person no matter how small!”

    “So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life’s A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you’ll move mountains.”

    “Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one!”

    His great quotes are endless!


    • Dear Kristin,
      I love Dr. Suess and his work never stops to amaze me. I couldn’t be more happy about it being in Dillans room, she will love it! You are right it is for all ages whether you are a cranky old lady or Dillan in Mandy’s belly! I can’t wait to see her room! Thanks for sharing your quotes!

  3. “It’s not how we are, it’s how we choose to be”
    -Albus Dumbledore from “Harry Potter Order Of The Pheonix”

    • Dear Cathy/mom,
      That is also one of my favorite Harry Potter quotes! They have so many. I know that is your favorite. Anyway, thank you for your quote!

  4. One of my favorite quotes is “Whatever you think about you bring about, whatever you focus on grows.”

    • Dear Patrick,
      Thanks for your quote. That one made me think. I know you say stuff like that a lot! Thanks I got more visitors today! 🙂

  5. Dear Emily,
    My favorite quote is “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. I don’t know who said it but it is a good quote.

    Marshall :mrgreen:

    • Dear Marshall,
      Thank you for sharing your quote. It actually came from a Kelly Clarkson song. I agree, it is a good quote because it reminds me of what happened at the bombing in Boston.

  6. I recently thought of this quote and thought I had to share it:
    “If I don’t…stick up for others…take care of the earth…make a difference, who will?


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